Lykoi Cat Facts | What You Need To Know About These “Werewolf” Kitties

You’ve probably seen them before, and you probably thought the only accurate description for these creatures is the term “werewolf cat.” And you were right! Lykoi cats, a.k.a. werewolf cats, are the product of natural mutation, which occurred in domestic cats with short fur. These kitties tend to turn heads and catch the attention of … Read more

Lyme Disease In Cats: Symptoms And Treatment

Cats can have lyme disease, although it is quite rate. As one of the most common of all flea, mosquito and tick-transmitted diseases on the globe, lyme disease is known to strike mainly human beings and canines. If left untreated for too long, the disease can lead to a fatal outcome. Fortunately, there are some … Read more

9Lives Cat Food (Wet) Review And Nutritional Analysis

Rating Meat is the first ingredient – 0 Star Uses some unnamed meats – 0.5 Star Above average protein content – 1 Star Less than 4 controversial ingredients – 0 Star Catological Discretionary Rating – 0.5 Star The 9Lives product line includes 3 wet product lines, each with a variety of flavors. However, since they’re … Read more

Can Cats Eat Tomatoes Or Are They Bad For Them?

You may have wondered why some cat food manufacturers include tomatoes in their food recipes. And you may have heard that some people claim tomatoes are bad for cats, if not even poisonous. So why do some kitty foods include tomatoes? Can cats eat tomatoes safely? Unfortunately, this is one of those questions that have … Read more

Melatonin For Cats: Can You Give It, And How Much?

melatonin for cats

Melatonin is an over-the-counter all-natural supplement that you can buy at your local drug store without any special prescriptions. Pet parents sometimes use it for their dogs and felines. So it must be safe, right? Well, the answer actually depends on many factors, including the purpose behind the usage and the dosage. After all, a … Read more