Top 200+ Cool Cat Names

So, you’ve grown tired of your cat’s boring old name and are looking for ideas on how to break things up with a fresh and cool new one. Or maybe you’ve adopted a new kitten, and you’re having trouble while brainstorming for the best possible choices for its name? Either way, choosing the right name … Read more

Excessive Urination In Cats: Why Is My Cat Peeing A Lot?

why cat peeing so much

Felines need to drink liquids just like any other living creature out there. Liquids leave the cat’s body in the form of saliva, tear flow, sweat-like enzymes, fluids in poop, and of course – urine. How Much Do Cats Pee? The average amount of urine a cat pees on daily basis is about half a … Read more

Best Dog Breeds That Get Along With Cats

Maybe you’re already the proud pet parent of a precious little furball, but you’re longing for more furry love. Or maybe you want to get a guard dog for your house or apartment, but you’re unsure if the canine will fit in with your finicky feline. Both those situations beg the question: is there some … Read more

200+ Amazing Korean Cat Names with Meanings

korean cat names

In ancient Confucian times, Korea revered cats as a symbol of luck. Cats were believed to be so fortuitous that scholars studying for the notoriously difficult ‘Gwageo test’ would actively seek them out before taking their exams. The Gwageo test was an intensive civil service exam seen as a prestigious lifetime achievement if passed. Entire … Read more

Top 150+ Names For White Cats: Unique, Funny, Pop-Inspired

White cats are majestic and gorgeous, regardless of the breeds they come from. They have the ability to turn heads wherever they go and their owners are truly lucky to have them. If you’ve recently purchased or adopted a new white kitten, then it definitely needs an awesome name that fits its glorious looks and … Read more

The Complete AWESOME List Of The Best Funny Cat Jokes

awesome list funny cat jokes

Cats are funny. If you didn’t already know that, just spend 5 minutes on Youtube. Or 30 minutes. Or…all day. Not that I’ve ever done that… But what about cat jokes? You’ve undoubtedly seen thousands of cat puns all over the Internet. We won’t cover the basic ones here. Instead, we’ve compiled a complete list … Read more

Categories Fun

Albino Cats And How They Differ from Normal White Cats

The famous Oriental Shorthair cat is the most colorful kitty in the world. Its diverse pigmentation comes in at over 300 different patterns and colors! However, there are cats that, just like humans and some dogs, have no pigmentation. These are albino cats…they have “albinism.” What Is An Albino Cat? A true albino feline either completely … Read more

My Stinky Cat Smells Like Poop! How Can I Stop The Odor?

cat smells like poo

You just realized your cat has a nasty, particularly unflattering odor that happens to smell a lot like poop. Now what? Why does your pet smell like poop? What’s causing it? How do you get rid of the stench? By default, cats are probably the cleanest animals of all domesticated pets. They constantly use their tongues, … Read more