How Much Does A Cat X-Ray Cost?

how much does cat x ray cost

Let’s talk about cats and X-rays. What are they? Why do cats need them? How can X-ray check-ups help your feline furball when it comes to health-related complications? What types of X-rays does your cat need? And most importantly – how much does a cat X-ray cost? For starters, cat X-rays are just like your … Read more

How Much Does A Cat Cost? The Annual Cost Breakdown Of Owning A Cat

how much does cat cost

How much does a cat cost? What are your expenses going to be in terms of daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly expenses? Well, there’s no easy answer to this. Cats are pricey, but at the same time their upkeep is a lot less than other domesticated pets’. Furthermore, each cherished moment with your cat is a priceless one! … Read more

My Stinky Cat Smells Like Poop! How Can I Stop The Odor?

cat smells like poo

You just realized your cat has a nasty, particularly unflattering odor that happens to smell a lot like poop. Now what? Why does your pet smell like poop? What’s causing it? How do you get rid of the stench? By default, cats are probably the cleanest animals of all domesticated pets. They constantly use their tongues, … Read more