Italy is an incredible country that boasts stunning landscapes, wonderful architecture, and truly amazing cuisine. But not only that, the Italian language is a thing of beauty in and of itself.
Everything seems to sound better in Italian. Originating from Latin in the 5th century, this seductive and expressive dialect is often referred to as the ‘language of love’.
Whether you’re an avid globe trotter who wishes to give your cat a unique name to honor your travels, or simply bestow your kitty with a name that sounds just as beautiful as they are – Italian is a perfect choice.
In this article, we bring you an extensive list of over 350 exotic and romantic Italian cat names and their meanings.
We have included everything from 19th-century Italian cat names to funny Italian cat names – so you can find the perfect name to match their personality!
Italian Male Cat Names
Let’s get started with this list of cool Italian cat names for male cats!
- Aceto (Vinegar)
- Amadeus (famous musician Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Aristotele (a famous philosopher)
- Arturo
- Attila
- Bacco (Bacchus)
- Baffo (whisker)
- Barone (baron)
- Bartolomeo
- Biagio
- Bilbo
- Bimbo (baby)
- Birillo (skittle)
- Bobo
- Blu (blue)
- Briciola (crumb)
- Byron
- Campanellino (little bell)
- Cappuccino (cappuccino)
- Cesarino (little Caesar)
- Chico
- Ciccio (chubby)
- Cucciolo (pet)
- Dinamite (dynamite)
- Elmo (helmet)
- Freccia (arrow)
- Furia (rush)
- Gabriel
- Galileo (physicist and astronomer)
- Giovanni
- Giove (Zeus)
- Grigino (little gray)
- Gus
- Iris (the flower)
- Macchia (spot)
- Marcello
- Milo
- Neo
- Noce (nut)
- Nuvolino (little cloud)
- Orazio
- Pablo (Paul)
- Pastello (crayon)
- Pulce (flea)
- Quasimodo (Italian poet)
- Ringhio (snarl)
- Rodolfo
- Romolo
- Rufus
- Ruvido (rough)
- Salice (Willow)
- Saturnino (little Saturn)
- Scricciolo (little slip)
- Silvestro (a cartoon cat)
- Spinacino (little spinach)
- Stregatto (a cartoons cat)
- Tobia
- Ulisse (the main character in Odissea)
- Zampa (paw)
- Zebra (zebra)
- Zeus
Learn More: Top 200+ Male Cat Names
Italian Female Cat Names
Italian women are known for their style and beauty. If you have a stunning female feline in need of the perfect name, check out our list below!
- Amore (love)
- Batuffola (cotton ball)
- Batuffollina (little cotton)
- Bea
- Beba
- Bella (beautiful)
- Bimba (baby)
- Birba (brat)
- Biricchina (brat)
- Camelia
- Camomilla (chamomile)
- Campanellina (little bell)
- Caramella (bon bon)
- Cenerentola (Cinderella)
- Chicca
- Cicci
- Cleopatra
- Cucciola (pet)
- Dada
- Dana
- Dea (goddess)
- Diva
- Felicia
- Fifì
- Francesca
- Gisella
- Isabella
- Iuma
- Kika
- Lea
- Lia
- Lilla (lilac)
- Lilli
- Liu
- Lulu
- Mia
- Micia (cat)
- Milu
- Minu
- Mistica (mystical)
- Nana (small)
- Nerina (little black)
- Ninì
- Numa
- Olimpia
- Olivia
- Pallina (little ball)
- Pepita (nugget)
- Puffetta (little Smurf)
- Regina (queen)
- Rosa (Rose)
- Sissi
- Titti
- Trina
- Trottolina
- Tula
- Viola (Violet)
- Virgola (comma)
- Zena
- Zoe
Learn More: Top 200+ Female Cat Names
Popular Cat Names In Italy
Italians are avid cat lovers. Here we have listed some of the most popular names Italians give their own furry friends:
- Adamo (m)
- Africa (f)
- Ago (needle) (m)
- Alfa (alpha) (m)
- Alissa (f)
- Ambrogio (m)
- Apollo (m)
- Ariel (f)
- Aristogatto (a cartoon cat) (m)
- Bingo (m)
- Bruto (Brutus) (m)
- Bubi (m)
- Caos (chaos) (m)
- Casper (a cartoon character) (m)
- Cupido (Cupid) (m)
- Dado (dice) (m)
- Dora (f)
- Elvis (m)
- Eolo (sneezy) (m)
- Esmeralda
- Felix (cartoon cat) (m)
- Flipper (pinball) (m)
- Flo (f)
- Fucsia (fuchsia)
- Fulmine (lighting bolt) (m)
- Furia (rush)
- Fusillo (Italian kind of pasta) (m)
- Gedeone (m)
- Gigio (m)
- Giuliano (a cartoons cat)
- Leo (m)
- Limone (Lemon) (m)
- Lola (f)
- Mambo (m)
- Marx (famous philosopher) (m)
- Menta (mint)
- Mojito (a cocktail) (m)
- Mosè (Moses) (m)
- Napoleone (a cartoon cat) (m)
- Orazio (m)
- Otto (eight) (m)
- Pascal (m)
- Pelosa (furry)
- Peppa (f)
- Pimpa (a cartoon character)
- Pixel
- Pollon (a cartoon character)
- Polly (f)
- Pongo (brand of modeling clay) (m)
- Prezzemolo (parsel) (m)
- Principessa (princess) (f)
- Pulce (flea)
- Rambo (movie character) (m)
- Raviolo (Italian kind of pasta) (m)
- Rocco (m)
- Romeo (m)
- Selvaggia (wild) (f)
- Susi (f)
- Tango (m)
- Tigre (tiger)
- Tobia (m)
- Tornado (tornado) (m)
- Tortellino (Italian kind of pasta) (m)
- Tula (f)
- Urlo (scream) (m)
- Uro (m)
- Valentino (Valentine) (m)
- Venere (Venus) (f)
- Zor (m)
Learn More: Badass Cat Names
Cute Italian Cat Names
Does your heart melt like gelato in the summer when you look at your beloved feline? Then take a look at our list of the best cute Italian cat names for your kitty!
- Atomo (atom) (m)
- Baffetta (little whisker) (f)
- Bambi (a cartoon character) (m)
- Batuffolino (little cotton) (f)
- Bolla (bubble)
- Briciola (crumb)
- Buba
- Bubu (m)
- Buffy (f)
- Campanellino (little bell) (m)
- Carotina (little carrot) (f)
- Ciottolino (little pebble) (m)
- Cirillo (m)
- Ciuffino (little tuft) (m)
- Ciuffola (little tuft) (f)
- Cucciola (pet) (f)
- Cucciolo (pet) (m)
- Cuoricina (little heart) (f)
- Delizia (delight) (f)
- Diavolina (little devil) (f)
- Didi
- Dodò (m)
- Dudu (m)
- Fagiolo (bean) (m)
- Fagiolina (little bean) (f)
- Fatina (little fairy) (f)
- Fefè (m)
- Fofò
- Folletto (elf) (m)
- Fuffy (m)
- Fusina (purring cat) (f)
- Fusino (purring cat) (m)
- Gigina (little Gina) (f)
- Lunetta (little moon) (f)
- Marmellata (jam) (f)
- Mordicchio (little bite) (m)
- Mozzichetto (little bite) (m)
- Musetto (little face) (m)
- Musina (sweet face) (f)
- Nutella (nut Italian cream)
- Pallino (little ball) (m)
- Piccola (little) (f)
- Pilù
- Pisolo (Sleepy) (m)
- Polpetta (meatball) (m)
- Preziosa (precious) (f)
- Pulcetta (little flea) (f)
- Punto (dot) (m)
- Risotto (rice) (m)
- Scricciolo (little in size) (m)
- Tati (f)
- Tato (little dear) (m)
- Trillo (m)
- Trottolino (m)
- Vino
- Zampina (little legs) (f)
- Zucchina (courgette) (f)
Learn More: Grey Cat Names
Italian Black Cat Names
If your black cat likes to give you a wake-up call in the morning, ‘espresso’ could be the perfect Italian name! Check out our list below for other great ideas:
- Alieno (alien) (m)
- Asso (ace) (m)
- Bandito (bandit) (m)
- Bruno (dark) (m)
- Cacao (cocoa) (m)
- Caffè (coffee) (m)
- Cagliostro (m)
- Calimero (a cartoons character) (m)
- Carbone (coal) (m)
- Cenerino (little ash) (m)
- Cioccolato (chocolate) (m)
- Circe (the name of a famous sorceress) (f)
- Corsaro (m)
- Cosmo (cosmos) (m)
- Drago (dragon) (m)
- Ebano (ebony) (m)
- Eclissi (eclipse) (m)
- Emo (m)
- Espresso
- Gufetta (little owl) (f)
- Jazz (m)
- Liquirizia (licorice)
- Lucifero (m)
- Merlino (name of the magician) (m)
- Mikado (m)
- Mirtillo (blueberry) (m)
- Mistico (mystical) (m)
- Moky (m)
- Mora (blackberry) (f)
- Morfeo (Morfeus) (m)
- Morgana (f)
- Nerino (little black) (m)
- Nerito (a bit black) (m)
- Nero (black) (m)
- Nerone (big black and name of a Roman emperor) (m)
- Nettuno (Neptun) (m)
- Notte (night)
- Ombra (shadow)
- Otello (the name of Shakespeare’s character) (m)
- Pantera (panther)
- Pepe (pepper) (m)
- Picche (spades) (m)
- Pietra (stone) (f)
- Pirata (pirate) (m)
- Plutone (Pluto) (m)
- Talpa (mole)
- Tartufo (Truffle) (m)
- Topina (little mouse) (f)
- Uranio (uranium) (m)
- Vulcano (volcano) (m)
- Zorro (m)
Learn More: Top 150+ Names for Black Cats
Italian White Cat Names
The below Italian white cat names are stunning options for your snow white kitty. My personal favorite is ‘Batuffolina’ – little cotton ball!
- Astro (orb) (f)
- Avorio (ivory)
- Batuffolina (little cotton ball) (f)
- Batuffolo (cotton ball) (m)
- Bianca (white) (f)
- Bianchina (little white) (f)
- Bianco (white) (m)
- Biancospino (hawthorn) (m)
- Cocco (coconut) (f)
- Colomba (dove) (f)
- Crema (cream)
- Diamante (diamond) (f)
- Feta (a type of white cheese)
- Fiocco (bow) (m)
- Fiocco di neve (Snowflake) (m)
- Flash (flash)
- Gardenia (gardenia) (f)
- Lana (wool)
- Luce (light) (f)
- Luna (moon)
- Maionese (mayonnaise) (m)
- Meringa (Meringue)
- Nebbia (fog) (m)
- Neon
- Neve (snow)
- Nube (cloud)
- Nuovolone (big cloud) (m)
- Nuvola (cloud)
- Nuvolina (little cloud) (f)
- Palla di neve (snow ball)
- Panna (cream)
- Perla (pearl) (f)
- Piuma (feather) (f)
- Piumino (little feather) (f)
- Rugiada (dew) (m)
- Saetta (arrow) (m)
- Semola (semolina) (f)
- Stella (Star) (f)
- Tao (tao)
- Vaniglia (vanilla)
- Zolletta (sugar cube) (m)
- Zucchero (sugar) (m)
Learn More: Top 150+ Names for White Cats
Italian Orange Cat Names
Do you have a fiery-fur kitty in need of a name? The spicy coloration of ginger cats makes food-based names a great choice. As always, common ginger cat names such as ‘Pumpkin’ (Zucca) sound much more exotic in Italian. Check out our below list for more inspiration!
- Albicocca (apricot) (f)
- Albicocco (apricot- tree) (m)
- Ambra (amber) (f)
- Aperol (Italian drink) (m)
- Biondo (blonde) (m)
- Biscotto (cookie) (m)
- brioche (croissant) (f)
- Canella (cinnamon)
- Caramello (caramel) (m)
- Carotino (little carrot) (m)
- Cipria (powder) (f)
- Clementina (clementine) (f)
- Cotechino (pork chop) (m)
- Fiamma (flame) (f)
- Fiammetta (little flame) (f)
- Garfield (a cartoons cat) (m)
- Groviera (a name of a cheese) (m)
- Isidoro (m)
- Miele (honey) (m)
- Nemo (m)
- Nespola
- Pepita (gold nugget)
- Pesca (peach) (f)
- Pesto
- Rame (copper) (m)
- Ruggine (rust) (m)
- Senape (mustard) (m)
- Simba (a cartoon lion) (m)
- Sole (sun) (m)
- Spritz (Italian cocktail) (m)
- Zafferano (saffron) (m)
- Zenzero (ginger) (m)
- Zucca (pumpkin) (f)
Learn More: Top 200+ Names For Orange Cats
So, what do you think? Did you find the perfect Italian name for your own feline?
If so, tell us in the comments below! We would love to know which ones were your favorites and if you have any other great suggestions that we missed!