Why Does My Cat Or Kitten Always Sit And Stare At Me?

why is my cat staring at me

Cats are curious and capricious creatures. Try as we may, we often don’t quite understand the things they do. One of the silliest things domestic cats of all breeds do is “stalk” their pet parents. You know the type of stalking we’re talking about – no meowing, no pawing or poking, just sitting there and … Read more

Why Is My Cat Hissing At Me? What Does It Mean?

why is cat hissing

Cats are territorial creatures. These domesticated, carnivorous hunters have been raised as pets from time immemorial. But even the most amiable and tolerant cats out there have hissed at least once at their owners, regardless of their affection towards their pet parents. Let’s talk more about the hissing. What does it mean – for the … Read more