Do Cats Have Feelings? What Emotions Do They Feel?

do cats have feelings

Felines are quite famous for their curiosity and their mischievous ways. It’s only natural to ask ourselves, can cats have feelings and emotions like humans? Cats can indeed feel a variety of emotions. Take the diverse types of affection they show towards their pet parents. We know cats have basic feelings, such as being tired, playful, or … Read more

Cat Memory: Do Cats Have A Good Memory Span? Do They Remember Things?

cat memory remember

Regardless of their whimsical and often misunderstood ways, cats are actually more intelligent than we give them credit for. Just because they’re capricious doesn’t mean they can’t grasp what they’re told. Or that they can’t remember what’s good and what’s bad. They see the world in color (no, cats aren’t colorblind) and can recall memories … Read more

Are Cats Territorial With Humans Or Other Cats?

are cats territorial

As majestic, graceful, and elegant as cats can be, they can also become a menacing pain in your neck. Felines don’t travel in packs, unlike other predators, but they are indeed territorial, mainly within their home environment. Cats are natural hunters with extremely heightened senses, especially when it comes to their eyesight and their olfaction … Read more

Are Cats Scared Of Cucumbers?

One of the most common questions asked on the internet is: Are cats scared of cucumbers? (which is weird, isn’t it?) The idea that your cat could get scared by something as plain as a cucumber seems utterly ridiculous. And yet, many people out there claim that feline creatures indeed get frightened by this harmless … Read more

Do Cats Dream? Can They Have Nightmares?

All felines on the planet love to sleep. In fact, they do it more often than any other species of domestic pet. Young kittens sleep through 20 hours of their entire 24 hour regime. Older kitties can snooze for up to 16 hours a day. But can they dream while doing so? Or are they … Read more

What Does It Mean When A Cat Wags Its Tail?

what does it mean cat wags tail

Cats have various ways of communicating. They usually do it through meowing, hissing, chirping, yowling, and so forth. And while they may not be capable of speaking our language, they can still tell us many things even without using any actual sounds. How? It’s called body language. Kitties have a unique way of showing emotions … Read more