We all love spoiling our precious feline furballs, especially when it comes to treating them with attention, play sessions, snuggling, and the worst – scraps from the table.
Feeding your fluffy pal leftovers isn’t the brightest idea, but truth be told, we all do it.
Cat food may be tasty, especially oily and rich in flavor wet canned food. But nobody wants to eat the same meal every day, including your cat.
So there’s no harm in giving bits and pieces of human food to your pet as a small treat now and then, is there?
Well, it depends on the treat. For example, your feline pal can’t eat chocolate or dairy products such as cheese.
There are far better options on the market, like the specialized cat treats many pet food brands are manufacturing.
When it comes to human foods, there are many treats which your kitty’s body can’t handle. Peanut butter, for example, is a notably popular snack for human beings.
It is only natural that many cat owners ask themselves if they should let their cats lick the peanut butter off the tablespoon after they’ve made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter? Is It OK Or Harmful?
The delicious taste and nutty texture of the peanut butter are not only appealing to humans and cats. And peanut butter offers some nutritional advantages… for humans. It has iron, magnesium, Vitamin E, and Vitamin B6.
However, peanut butter doesn’t have any nutritional value for cats, although it’s probably not all that bad for them – as a one-time-snack.
Nothing will happen to your feline pal if it licks the spoon, because peanut butter is not toxic for cats. It’s not exactly healthy, but it’s not lethal either.
However, peanut butter does have its disadvantages and even some rather harmful side effects.
It won’t poison or kill your feline pet unless you’re feeding it a spoonful of PB regularly. If the kitty gives your finger or spoon a couple of licks, everything will be fine.
But it’s not appropriate for regular treats. Cats can easily fall for it due to its distinctive texture, but that enjoyment will eventually come at a high price for your pet.
Side Effects Of Too Much Peanut Butter For Cats
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Obesity
- Indigestion
- Getting stuck in the cat’s throat
It’s not uncommon for cats to vomit or suffer from diarrhea.
Indigestion is a problem for felines when it comes to human foods because their digestive systems are far different from ours. They can’t digest peanut butter as well as we do, so it can easily upset your cat’s tummy.
Moreover, the high concentration of fats in the butter is rather dangerous for cats. It can lead to obesity, diabetes, and other health-related problems.
On top of that, peanut butter can stick to your pet’s mouth and throat, causing further harm.
Should You Give Peanut Butter To Your Cat?
Some vets out there will advise you to use something delicious such as peanut butter when trying to get a finicky cat to swallow its medicine.
Due to the dangerous side effects of this human food, it’s best to stick to safer and more pet-friendly options.
Furthermore, some cats will simply wrinkle their noses at the sight of a spoonful of peanut butter. Your furball might be one of them.
Cats already have enough problems with indigestion due to the excessive amounts of cat hair they’re swallowing daily.
Thus, it’s best not to upset their organisms any further by treating them with something as heavy as this particular human food.
Peanut butter has absolutely no nutritional value for your cat. At best, it will just spoil its appetite. Worst case scenario, it will lead to diabetes, obesity, and indigestion problems.
Don’t risk your pet’s overall health, and opt for premium cat treats instead. You can even go for dental care treats to combine great taste with healthcare.