Siamese Cat Facts: Origins, Colors, Price, Health Issues, Nutrition

Siamese cats are among the most popular feline breeds. Their true origins remain a mystery, but it’s a sure fact that they come from Thailand. Thailand used to be called Siam, which explains the name.

These majestic kitties are notorious for their long slender bodies, triangular heads, and blue eyes. Some breeders use the Siamese’s signature looks to create designer breeds like the Ocicat.

An interesting Siamese fact is that these kitties used to be cross-eyed, although they don’t carry these genes anymore.

Due to their distinct color patterns and piercing blue eyes they were seen as something unnatural and scary, and were often depicted as devilish creatures. Nowadays, however, this breed is a top choice among owners all over the world.

Siamese cats have special nutritional needs which vary from the average domestic kitty’s. They also require less grooming due to the fact that their short and glossy fur lacks an undercoat. As such, their fur doesn’t mat that easily and doesn’t require constant upkeep with deshedding tools.

Not only are these feline furballs a truly stunning sight, but they also make great companions. The Siamese is a sociable cat which does well with other pets, as well as with children.

Interesting And Fun Siamese Cat and Kitten Information and Facts

Siamese cats are absolutely fascinating when it comes to their physical appearances and behavioral traits. They are calm and quite independent, but they don’t take well to being left alone over longer periods of time. In other words, they feel the need to be around their pet parents, but don’t require constant maintenance and attention.

Here are some other entertaining and instructive Siamese facts, which will definitely change the way you see Siamese kitties.

They’re Vocal!

The most vocal feline breed out there is probably the Oriental Shorthair, but Siamese can easily challenge this statement. Siamese kitties have quite a distinctive vocalization and they will speak their mind about … well, basically everything!

If you’re on the market for a chatty pet, then the Siamese is a great choice. They aren’t afraid to raise their voice about food, attention, playtime, or something else.

It’s common for Siamese to nag, complain, and seek attention with meows, simply because they feel the need to socialize.

They’re Intelligent And Take Well To Training

You’ve probably seen cat videos where kitties are performing a variety of tricks. Here’s a fun Siamese fact – these cats can be trained to play fetch!

Most Siamese are extremely intelligent and amenable to training. You can teach them to jump through hoops, give high fives, and even walk on a leash! Of course, not all Siamese cats are easy to train. After all, each kitty is unique. Nevertheless, the breed is an overall perceptive one, and is quick to learn commands.

siamese cat

Calm, Yet Clingy

These blue-eyed felines are extremely calm and tolerant by default. They do well in socializing with kids and other pets, and may even take a liking towards strangers.

Their sociable and amiable nature, however, can make them quite clingy when it comes to their owners. It’s a common behavioral trait for Siamese to follow their pet parents all over the place without any reason. They aren’t lap cats, per se, but they will want to snuggle and sleep with their owners on a regular basis.

Furthermore, they’ll constantly seek the attention of their pet parents to the point of becoming needy. On the other hand, they are also moderately independent and can be left home alone over short periods of time.

Kittens Are Born White

Another well-known Siamese fact is that the kittens are born pure white. They develop their signature markings later after the fourth week. The Siamese’s patterns are actually caused by temperature-based pigments. The center of the body is usually lighter, whereas the “colder” areas, such as the tail and the tips of the paws, are pigmented in darker colors.

These spotted markings are caused by a heat-sensitive gene mutation which all Siamese kitties carry. The paler part on these furballs’ bodies is what defines their overall color – lilac, blue, white, chocolate and so forth.

They’re Great Jumpers

Siamese cats’ long, slender bodies are well accustomed to performing high, elegant jumps. Siamese cats are fascinated with heights and won’t shy away from climbing on every single piece of furniture. As such, they need lots of perches, high surfaces, and cat trees in order to keep themselves well entertained and exercised at all times.

If you’re looking for a lazy pet which won’t be tempted to jump all over your drapes, counters, and even wall paintings, then the Siamese is definitely not the breed for you.

Can’t See As Well In The Dark As Other Cats

By default, felines have excellent sight. They can see in darkness and can distinguish colors, contrary to the popular belief that they see only gray hues.

Unfortunately, that’s not exactly the case with Siamese cats.

This breed has problems with distinguishing details in the dark. The genes which cause the pigment in the Siamese’s blue eyes are the reason for their bad sight.

They also lack the special tapetum lucidum layer which helps other cats see better in the dark by allowing more light to pass through their retinas. Bad eyesight is a common problem for most Siamese cats alongside other health risks.

Capricious Nature

Siamese are notoriously picky about their food.

They’ll often demand to get a bite of their pet parents’ meal and will fuss about their own food bowls.

These creatures can become so picky that they’ll even starve themselves just because they want a bite of something other than their designated cat food.

It’s crucial to feed your Siamese only with special meals which are specifically manufactured to meet this breed’s nutritious needs.

How much do Siamese cats and kittens cost? Price analysis and buying guide.

Due to the fact that Siamese cats are among the most common domestic kitties all over the world, you shouldn’t be surprised that they are quite affordable even as kittens. How much do Siamese cats and kittens really cost? Here are some pointers to keep in mind:

  • You can find Siamese kittens for around $400 – $600 USD.
  • Kittens and young cats from top-notch breeders can cost over $1,000.
  • Pure Siamese cats cost above $800 even if they don’t come with a show-worthy pedigree.
  • The prices of Siamese cats around the world are similar, so a European Siamese typically won’t cost you less than an American one.

Here’s a pro buying guide tip on Siamese cats – colors and patterns aren’t a price factor in the UK. However, the CFA accepts only 4 colors as official (seal point, lilac point, chocolate point and blue point). As such, these colors may be more expensive in the US than other colors. Nevertheless, the price difference isn’t cosmic.

Siamese cats have a slightly shorter lifespan than other domestic breeds. However, their beauty, temperament and intelligence are definitely worth investing in. So, if you want to buy a Siamese cat, these feline furballs are worth every dime.

Famous Siamese Cats

Here are some examples of the most famous Siamese feline furballs – both fictional and in real life.

Si and Am

Si and Am are the two villainous Siamese cats from the popular movies Lady and the Tramp and its sequel Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp’s Adventure.


Garfield might be one of the most popular cats in the world, but his companion Nermal doesn’t follow far behind. This Siamese is infamous for his constant claim that he is the one and only “world’s cutest kitten.”

Mr. Peep$

Mr. Peep$ was adopted by singer Ke$ha back in July 2012 when she was visiting Russia. The Siamese kitty might not be as famous as Ke$ha herself, but he’s constantly appearing in photographs with her. Moreover, he also had a cameo appearance in her music video for the song “Crazy Kids.”

Koko and Yum Yum

Koko and Yum Yum are the two main Siamese cats from the mystery novel series The Cat Who … which consists of a total of 29 books. These feline furballs help the main protagonist solve a vast variety of mysteries throughout the series.


Health Problems And Nutrition

It’s a fact that Siamese cats are prone to suffering from a variety of health problems, the most common one being progressive retinal atrophy.

Gastrointestinal and neoplastic problems, urinary tract disease, and gum diseases are also common health issues for this breed. Furthermore, Siamese have a shorter lifespan compared to most breeds – they live around 12-15 years on average.

While they may suffer from malnourishment due to their pickiness towards food, they are also prone to suffering from obesity. The Siamese’s long slender legs aren’t made to withstand much weight. As such, it’s vital to make sure you don’t overfeed your Siamese so that it doesn’t become obese.

Mixing wet and dry cat food is a better choice than relying on only one of the two food types. Going through a taste test with your cat is the easiest way to find out which cat foods are preferred by your pet.

Taking proper care of your Siamese’s eyes should always be your priority when it comes to health issues. Overfeeding or malnourishment is also common for this breed. If you’re uncertain about your pet’s health state, immediately schedule an appointment with your vet.

Emily Parker

Emily Parker is the Content Manager at Catological. She's passionate about helping cat parents love their cats better by providing the best information and recommendations about everything you'll need to know about your cat, from kitten to senior years. She believes natural, biologically-appropriate products are best...why wouldn't you provide the best for a member of your family?!

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