9 Ways Pets Help Raise Good, Healthy Kids [INFOGRAPHIC]

9 Ways Pets Help Raise Good, Healthy Kids

No question about it – pets are great for children! Even so, plenty of folks wonder whether the natural risks inherent in owning a pet – they’re animals, after all, who may bite or scratch, as well as carrying the possibility of allergies – outweigh any benefits. Well, here’s some scientific evidence that proves once … Read more

Treating Cat Constipation | Symptoms, Plus Laxatives vs. Stool Softeners

Cats are different from humans in more ways than one, obviously. That said, your cat can experience digestive system disorders just like any person. One of the most common problems kittens and their adult counterparts suffer is constipation. Treating cat constipation is actually easier than most cat owners think. Whether your kitty’s stools are too … Read more

22 Ways Cats Make People Happier And Healthier

Life is better with cats, plain and simple. But did you know there’s a ton of science and research to back it up? The fact of the matter is that cats make us both happier and healthier in a whole bunch of different ways. We’ve put together this handy infographic outlining 22 of those ways! What do you … Read more

Excessive Urination In Cats: Why Is My Cat Peeing A Lot?

why cat peeing so much

Felines need to drink liquids just like any other living creature out there. Liquids leave the cat’s body in the form of saliva, tear flow, sweat-like enzymes, fluids in poop, and of course – urine. How Much Do Cats Pee? The average amount of urine a cat pees on daily basis is about half a … Read more

My Stinky Cat Smells Like Poop! How Can I Stop The Odor?

cat smells like poo

You just realized your cat has a nasty, particularly unflattering odor that happens to smell a lot like poop. Now what? Why does your pet smell like poop? What’s causing it? How do you get rid of the stench? By default, cats are probably the cleanest animals of all domesticated pets. They constantly use their tongues, … Read more

Do Owls Attack And Eat Cats?

Cats, owls, and tons of other nocturnal creatures go hand in hand when it comes to lurking and stalking. Hey, you’ve probably even seen some hilarious clips on the Internet which show cats and owls interacting with each other. But do owls and cats get along in the real world? In other words – should … Read more